Kok-Kiya Canyon

Vertical walls reach about 300-400 m. At different levels of the inaccessible walls you can see black holes, which can continue as caves. Thickets of shrubs and tall grass grow in the canyon. At the bottom of the canyon you can find surprisingly wild and untouched nature. The river turns into a serpentine, forming large meanders. Down the channel, the river periodically presses against the rocky walls and then forms low grassy terraces. These terraces serve as a great place for a temporary camp.

You can also descend into the canyon from above, along some valleys flowing into it from the left. Being on the brink of the left ledge of the canyon, you can observe magnificent panoramas of the canyon.

We do not know if there are rapids at the bottom of the canyon forming waterfalls along the way down. If there are, then you have to go up out of the canyon and down into the canyon again to bypass these vertical sections of the path at the bottom of the canyon.

At the beginning of the path, the canyon is formed in granite rocks, and then it continues in limestone rocks. Here you can observe geological contacts and how rocks are transformed as a result of metamorphism under the influence of heat in the depths of the earth in past geological epochs.

The canyon has its own microclimate, flora and fauna. Here you can watch the wildlife and practice photography.